Brian Fitzpatrick, author of “Mechcraft”

This weekend’s edition of The Event Horizon features special guest and first time science fiction novelist Brian Fitzpatrick . We’ll be discussing his new sci-fi adventure thriller Mechcraft, which is collecting five star reviews on Amazon by the dozen.

Brian Fitzpatrick was born and raised Southern California, and lives there with his wife and son. His early exposure to horror and science fiction influenced his writing from the beginning. His novel was inspired by some of the fascinating discoveries being made in nanotechnology in the field of medical research.

The book explores the world of Mechcraft, in which nanobots, which normally live in the bloodstream of the host, can be made to manifest externally to the body in any shape or form the host might imagine. What happens when godlike powers are given to ordinary human beings?

Oh yeah. It’s on.

The first version of Mechcraft was a screenplay, which placed in the quarter finals in three different screenwriting contests. He decided to convert the script into a novel so he could flesh out the Mechcraft Universe in more detail and really get into the characters’ heads. The sequels are on their way.

Tune in this Saturday at 7 pm Eastern / 4 pm Pacific to hear this new episode of The Event Horizon. Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow host.

Additional show times are Sunday June 3 at 7 pm Eastern / 4 pm Pacific, and then again on Thursday June 7 and Saturday June 9 at 7 am Eastern / 4 pm Pacific.

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