Just in time for this Friday’s release of Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel and Dole have partnered to release 30  character recipes inspired by Black PantherCaptain AmericaBlack WidowThe HulkIron Man and Thor.

Okay, yeah, we get it, this is all about brand awareness, really. At the same time, to be honest, a lot of fans are also foodies, and this idea hits the sweet spot. If you can’t be a cape-wearing, hammer-wielding semi-mythical god-like being, you can at least learn to cook like one.

The recipes actually do look pretty good, even if the toehold on the Marvel universe is a bit tenuous.

Part of the “Powering the Hero Within” healthy-eating alliance between the two brands, the recipes reflect each character’s origin story, personality or super power.  Just some examples designed to help moms and dads win the often-heroic struggle for healthier households.

“Powering the Hero Within” continues through May 11 at www.dole.com/marvel.  To see the full list of 30 character recipes, go to the  Marvel recipe page.

Avengers: Infinity War debuts April 27, 2018.


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